Thursday, July 12, 2012

Workout Two

Well, I woke up bright and early (before 7!) this morning, ate my apple and yogurt, had a glass of water, and headed out to the park with my new running shoes.
The shoes are Nike Air Pegasus 28, women's. They seem to have very good reviews online.

I completed my second workout and my first interval workout since starting this new attempt at fitness (note that I will not be saying thinness or loosing weight or any of those things that tend to send me into a panic attack of conditioned hopelessness).
I did 12 sets, 1 minute on, 1 minute of gasping, one minute off. Well, I joke, a little. Technically it was two minutes off, one minute on, with  the "on" minute being roughly 85% effort as my goal was to avoid nausea and cramps. I also walked for a while before the sets, half way through the sets, and after the sets. The distance covered was roughly 3.8 miles in just about an hour (give or take 10 minutes, I wasn't watching my watch very closely). I also stretched quite thoroughly afterwards.

I drank a bottle of water during the work out.

At home I had a homemade strawberry yogurt pop, black/peppermint tea with almond milk and honey, and showered.

Summery of aches and what-not:
I don't have new blisters on top of the blisters I got from my old shoes on Monday so that is awesome. In fact I didn't really notice any of the soreness from my feet until the very end.
My big toes are a little sore but they were very sore and blistered on Monday so I don't know if that's left from the old shoes or from the new ones.
The pads of my feet aren't "comfortable" but they're not in pain like Monday.
My heels feel awesome.
My pinky toes went numb at first but got circulation back not too long after that.
So far my hips and knees feel fine. My ankle feels markedly better than Monday AND Tuesday, and doesn't appear to have been hurt more by running on it again.
I have some general soreness but that's not surprising.
My shins hurt, they feel like they've been kicked. They were hurting on Monday, they are hurting more today. I'm wondering if drinking more water, icing them, running on the grass, or all three are in order. Will watch how my shins feel.

The shoes felt funny and I sometimes felt like I was trying to keep from overpronating with them but that could just be the new shoes. The wear on my old shoes showed a little bit of underpronation.

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