1. Reluctantly Healthy on Yahoo. Now, most things on Yahoo are utter trash. In fact, it might be insult to trash to say that. But, one fun, slightly glowy beacon is Reluctantly Healthy, which actually does give good health advice. Yes, Judy Greer is a skinny-minny, but just being thin does NOT mean that you're healthy. I also like that she is either genuine or genuinely empathizes with the "masses." The videos are short but the advice is generally sound. I particularly like this video:
Workout in a Box

2. TapThat+; love, learn, and get laid by Youtube user lacigreen. It might seem a bit (or a lot) risque at first, but this vlog has a lot of sound advice, and a lot of reasonable thinking on a lot of health subjects. She discusses things people don't want to discuss, but want to know about, and while I don't share her (much) freer lifestyle or any of her theological ideas I do like (most of) the videos and agree on a surprising number of them. When I was looking for a video to link I had a hard time deciding because I like so many of them but eventually settled on this;
Fat Shame
3. SadiNardini on Youtube. She's a yoga instructor (yogi?) and, having done yoga in South Korea, I think a lot of her videos are really good. This one on planks and core strength is my favorite so far:
Best Core Pose
4. I originally found this one, the instructor is named Zuzka, on BodyRock.TV on yotube. I loved the workouts but found the focus of the cameraman to be irritating and oversexualized so I removed it from my subscriptions (if you want to look at the channel, the workouts are really good). But, now she has her own channel! That being said, Zuzka's workouts are BEAST. If you can keep up with her you might be able to qualify for the Olympics. I'm going to link to the Youtube channel, rather than a particular video for this one.
Zuzka Light's channel
5. Okay, the next videos are a little different. I'm going to plug TEDtalks because, frankly, everyone on the planet should be listening to these. TEDtalks has thousands of talks and some of them are on health. Having been at a TEDx conference I know first hand that some of the talks on health are very good. I'm going to plug a few here having to do with overall health and psychological health (which brings up a thought, I'm in all these psych classes, should I post about psychological health, too?)
The Game that Can Give you Time
A Tale of Mental Illness-From the Inside <---This is an AMAZING talk. Watch it. Now.
How Healthy Living Nearly Killed Me
I would suggest you go to youtube and to a search, something along the lines of TEDtalks health. There are a lot of great talks. In fact a search of TEDtalks [whatever you want] would be great, too.
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