My shins hurt less than before, and much less than they did at first, and my feet don't hurt at all except for some arch cramping. My muscles are a little stiff but not sore.
I can go at 100% for about 40 seconds before the energy falls off a cliff and dies a horrific death.
The breaks that interval training uses are actually really good because I can go hard for a little bit and then finish and spend a bit gasping and then my breathing evens out and then I can go at 100% for a little bit again.
At the end I didn't feel nearly as exhausted as I have previously.
I have also noticed a very slight increase in stomach and back definition.
Later yesterday evening I mowed the front and back yard which was a work out in its own right. My hands are sore and my back is a little stiff from that.
The allergies from mowing are clogging my breathing nicely so no working out today.
At least the yard looks good.
So, back to interval training; I'm now to 15 sets, which is my set goal, I just need to increase endurance/intensity and decrease break time between sets.
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