Tuesday, April 2, 2013

You Don't Need to Change Your Vagina

Body love is body love. Love your body, love your vagina.

Grown women have grown women's vaginas, and grown women's vaginas are bigger, and darker, and curlier, and hairier than a little girl's. If it's not sick, don't change it. Don't let a sick society tell you that there's something wrong or ugly about you when there's not. Stand proud! Be your natural beautiful you! And, if a man you're with, or who you talked to,is so indoctrinated that he thinks that the flat, child-like, plastic, porn star vagina is the only one he'll take then drop the asswipe (or, say "fair's fair" and ask him to get his bits waxed, his balls nipped, and his penis extended so he looks like the ideal, too). I know there are men who agree with me, and if more women stood up for their right to be unique and have beautifully unique vaginas then, I promise, even more men would agree.

But really. Your vagina is awesome just the way it is. Just like you.

Here is a link to a great article:
and here's a link to a tumblr account that shows all kinds of vaginas (even some, gasp, hairy ones):

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