Well, just about everything has sprouted a bit.
I was having trouble with something digging in my garden so I've put down bird net and cayenne pepper. The bird net has knocked over many of the bottles, and catches on my fingers, but I don't see any plants devoured by anything other than, possibly, a slug. Certainly, there seems to be no more digging. Yay! I suspect this problem will arise again later.
That said. I have now planted:
Snow Peas
one cucumber plant
one other plant that is like cucumber (squash? can't remember. Oops)
Also, the potted things have been seeded. I put tomato seeds in all the pots with the yellow sticks in them. I transplanted most of my cilantro to the other pots you see there.
In my hanging garden I have now put seeds in 12 of the little sacks. All basil. I bought some sweet basil seeds at the store because, frankly, I ran out. I might buy lemon basil too, because that tasted quite lovely last year. It's likely that most, if not all, of my hanging garden will be basil. You can see the mint plant in the previous picture and it should do quite well. I have a potted oregano and thyme which might need bigger pots but certainly I don't need another plant and they seem healthy, and the sage that I planted next to the back door may actually be making new leaves. This leaves a few random spots in the yard where I'm considering whether I should plant a tomato or try for some other kind of herb, or simply try to inundate myself with greens.
Next time I will get out my big ugly camera and take some pictures of the seedlings.
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