My garden is pretty much planted. Hopefully I will get around to taking some pictures and posting them tomorrow. There are a few things (basil, carrots, cucumber, zucchini) that I'm waiting to plant until after the risk of frost, but everything else is in the ground, either as seeds or small plants. I'm trying to do that staggering thing. Hopefully it will work and the critters will not eat my food!
I spent a couple hours on the wheel today and so now my arms and upper back ache. Tried to throw a 4 pound vase at the end and couldn't even center it to begin with so I just rewedged it. I figure that can be my work out because I've got a migraine. I'm not sure if the migraine is from being hunched over the wheel or what? But it was probably coming on this morning, now that I think about it, because I was crying over a $15 parking ticket, and usually unreasonable tears predict an oncoming migraine.
Also, I got into grad school. :D
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