That's right, four hours of sleep last night and a long day later I have a temperature of 100F, nausea, a headache, and sore skin. And this while my brother is recovering from surgery and I'm supposed to be looking out for him. Lucky me (but not really). Why does illness have such poor timing?
Guess I won't be excercising for the next couple days.
On a lighter note, I went to end my membership to Urban Active (a second time, in all the pre-surgery crazyness I lost the info she they handed me the first time). This time I went to the offices and when I told them I had no job and they would soon be charging an empty bank account they were suprisingly willing to end my membership with only minimal cancelation fees. I was expecting them to charge an extra month and a cancelation fee. Apparently I can also continue to go through October. Sweet.
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