Thursday, November 18, 2010

What I Should be Eating a.k.a. Food I Want Other People to Compliment Me On

Oh, come on. It's not like you don't think it, too.
You want to eat well in front of people because you want them to look at you and think wow, she has such discipline, such self control. Health and beauty are really a priority to her.

What? Just me? Ah, well... ^,~

So, my goal is to eat between 1,100 and 1,400 calories a day.
With 150 on the larger end for sweets or something. However, I'd rather eat perfect for 6 days and then eat whatever I want on the seventh.

Perhaps that's not very healthy but the way I logic it out is that the body can only absorb so many calories at a time, right? So, beer one day a week, those lovely cinnamon rolls one day a week, and ramen with cheese one day a week.

That being said, I'd like to start cutting the sweets even on the one day (the "one day" that's been, like, 21 days in a row at this point. Jeez). That's because I want to loose more belly fat (and back fat, I would like a sculpted back) and I've heard that sugar does not help that.

Actually, I've found that excess sugar makes work outs hard, and recovering from them harder. And, I get really thirsty after eating a bunch of sweets. I'm telling myself that's NOT pre-diabetes. Because, really, my cousins don't have it and their as big as me, or bigger, and my mother has been overweight for years and years more than me and she's not got diabetes, my father either.  So, yes, being paranoid. Being overweight for 4 years does not give you diabetes.

Back on track.

I'd like to eat about 300-400 calories in fruits and veggies.
About 200-300 in breads/grains
100-150 in dairy (a milk and a yogurt)
And the rest in protein (eggs and nuts and seeds).

I think that's the right amounts of each. We'll see. I know protein is neccessary, I just don't know how much. And I neeeeeeed carbs. I don't have a diet plan so I'm counting everything.

When I'm not being lazy I make a mean healthy veggie and egg drop soup. It's amazing.
It has chard and broccoli leaf and mustard leaf and spinach and onion and garlic and carrot and tomato and some other things I found at the grocery store and mushrooms and turmeric and cayenne and ginger and salt (and egg of course). It's amazing. I said that already. Well, it is.

I could eat that soup for breakfast and dinner every day. Especially if I could include a rye bread roll. Wow. That just makes it about 3 times more wonderful than it was before.

I eat a lot of fruit, to try to supplement my sweet tooth. And when I'm diligent enough to cut up carrots I eat them in place of crunchy things.

I have frozen fruit in my freezer so I can make smoothies in place of ice cream.
And I make my soup stocks mostly from scratch.

I try to add ginger and cayenne to everything I can. Drinks and foods, whatever.

I try to drink tea at least once a day.

And, my goal is a liter and a half of water a day.

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